Blog Posts in English
ダスティンくん、UEみなとみらい校へようこそ〜♪ 素敵な奥さまのゆいちゃんも一緒に! UE in Englishを開催する夢を叶えてくれてありがとう。 みなとみらい校...世界に羽ばたきます^^ It is a pleasure to have Dustin to our group! Also in the photo is h…
Glad my Starbucks is open but the pc stations are full due to reduced number of seats to alleviate infections... Oh well, work can wait. Moved to one of the couches to jot down my thoughts. Things just don’t go as planned, teaching me to s…
∞和訳はこちら∞ My favourite yoga studio Semperviva Yoga in Vancouver permanently shut down the other day. I was truly sad to hear the news. When I started yoga almost 15 years ago, I fell in love with Semperviva, which basically raised me …
No matter what happens, there’s always hope. For those who need it, I am offering free remote healing energy to release general anxiety until March 25th, 2020. Just send me your full name and the city you live in. I’ll let you know when I’…
--------------- ☆お知らせ☆ ♾ヒーラー養成講座 8月・9月(横浜、長崎)♾ ♾ヒーラー養成講座 体験会 8月スケジュール♾ ♾ツインソウルヒーリング♾(対面 または 遠隔) ♾Miraiヒーリング♾(対面 または 遠隔) --------------- 富士山の霊水この涼やかさ、届…
--------------- ☆お知らせ☆ ♾ヒーラー養成講座 8/23~24(横浜)・8/28~29 (長崎)♾ ♾ヒーラー養成講座 体験会 8月スケジュール♾ ♾ツインソウルヒーリング♾(対面 または 遠隔) ♾Miraiヒーリング♾(対面 または 遠隔) --------------- I have added an En…